Orthoptera: Acrididae

Acrida conica  

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)
click photo for larger image
© Vik Dunis 2014
Avalon, VIC (Apr, 2014)

You're out bushwalking, miles from anywhere. It's quiet, just a gentle breeze sighing and a rhythmic lapping of water on a nearby rocky shore.

You walk around a bush and suddenly you're confronted by a couple right in front of you. And they're coupling!

Oh, the embarrassment! In a very unchivalrous fashion, the surprised male withdraws to the side, leaving the female's pink bits exposed.

Your camera accidentally photographs the whole scene. Well, not the whole scene because the female is really, really tall and the top half of her is entirely missing from the photograph.

There's blushes and apologies all round. Not much else you can do, really, except make sure you carry a wide-angle lens next time.

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)

Giant Green Slantface

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)

Spot the Grasshopper

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)

Giant Green Slantface

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)

Oh, the Embarrassment!

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)

Giant Green Slantface

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)

Female Giant Green Slantface

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)

Giant Green Slantface Mating

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)

"Brown" Giant Green Slantface

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)

"Brown" Giant Green Slantface

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)

"Brown" Giant Green Slantface

Giant Green Slantface Grasshopper (Acrida conica)

"Brown" Giant Green Slantface